Villa, Richard. “Special Education.” 10th Annual Summer Leadership Institute.
Going to the Student Leadership Institute presentation was truly an eye opening experience for me. The first presenter, Richard Villa was very pleasant and gave and entertaining and educational presentation at the same time. He integrated the mission statement in his presentation which was a great way to start off especially with such a diverse group as the audience. The discussion about restructuring for a more caring and effective education is something I believe that all current and future teachers can relate to in the classroom. There was a good portion dedicated to the idea of excellence and/or equity along with its advantages and disadvantages. While some schools may practice only one or the other, Mr. Villa made an excellent point about combining the two in to something made up as “equalence” which incorporates both features of excellence and equity in to something more stable and approachable in teaching. With out both equity and excellence, it is difficult to expect students to achieve all that they are able to. It is a goal and perhaps in some cases an achieved goal that we arrive as educators to a culture of care, collaboration, and artistry to a point where character counts in the classroom.
1.) How does restructuring education lead to a better destination perhaps down the road in the future?
2.) How can teachers eliminate the competition between students and their academics?
1.) It seems to be through the elimination of discrimination and good work ethic in the classrooms that will lead to a greater outcome and help shape students for a better future and full potential without the stress of lacking certain abilities.
2.) It is important for teachers to remember that each student goes at his or her own pace and that having such a vigorous competitive environment in the classroom amongst students can easily discourage a student who may be struggling to strive and do better. By allowing more one on one time with students who are struggling, more and more students will feel as if they are able to keep up with the curriculum and not be left behind.
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